Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Stress release can be very simple if we allow it. We release stress by having fun and doing things we enjoy, all the things that make you feel good. What makes you happy? The things that make you happy are the things that will keep you alive! We must always make time for the things we love and enjoy.

There are many ways we can release stress by doing the things we love. What are some of the things you enjoy doing? What are some of your hobbies? I love to play board games, make candles, and do scrap booking. Some people enjoy playing sports or video games. Many women like to go shopping. Watching movies, playing an instrument, or even just listening to music are other great ways of relaxing and dissolving stress from life. Any sort of creative process where you are actually making something with your own two hands is great for the mind and a perfect way to ease stress from your life. Pottery, drawing, painting, and carpentry are all wonderful ways of expressing creativity. Horseback riding, bicycling, or hiking are great ways to get outside and appreciate nature. There are so many options.We need to find things and activities that we really enjoy, and make time for them regularly in our lives.

Another very important area we should focus on is making time for our friends. This may seem like a simple idea ,but how many of us make time for our friends on a regular basis? So many times we get caught up in our daily lives with work and children and new relationships we tend to put our friends on the back burner. They are there for us when we need them, but how about all that time in between? Do we talk to them only when we need something or have a problem? Or do we show them that we appreciate them in our lives?

As humans we are naturally social animals. Just like animals in the wild, we have our own packs, our own herd that we belong to. The people in our lives are not here by mistake. Everyone in our lives make an impact on us; they influence us. We need to appreciate our friends and realize what a true blessing they are in our lives. It's not always easy to come across a true friend; a real friend who is there because they want to be. Because they see what's inside of you, the real you. The friends who are there through thick and thin, no matter what happens. Those are the friends we need to make time for. We need to show these friends that we appreciate them by keeping in contact with them on a regular basis. When is the last time you had lunch with your good friend? Did you remember their birthday?

When we love and appreciate our friends then we are creating more joy, in both our own life and theirs. It feels good. And when we feel good then we are releasing the built up stress in our lives. Keep in touch with old friends. It's good for your health.

 "Foster connections - There is no question it is the connections with others that bring richness to our lives. Strong social connections and shared experiences create the foundation on which happiness can thrive. Pick up the phone; email an old friend."

"Chicken Soup for the Soul - Find Your Happiness. 101 Inspirational Stories about Finding your Purpose, Passion, and Joy." by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Amy Newmark

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