Saturday, May 12, 2012


Focus. What is your focus? What are you thinking about? The Law of Attraction is very simple. It specifically relates to our thoughts, which are classified into two categories, which are either positive or negative. We either feel good about what we are thinking or we feel bad. The Law of Attraction states that which is like unto itself, is drawn. Simply stated it means that we will attract similar things into our lives according to what we are thinking.

When we think good thoughts we are attracting more good, and the same goes for negative thoughts. It doesn't matter if it is something we want or don't want. Whatever we are thinking we are attracting. This can be a scary idea when we think about some of our thoughts. But it is also a refreshing idea because when we realize we are in control of what we choose to think about then we will find change for the better in our lives. Scientists have been able to prove that our thoughts give off a frequency, similar to that like a radio. They have also shown that positive thoughts are ten times as powerful as a negative thought. So this means that we do not necessarily need to freak out when we catch ourselves thinking something negative. It just means that when we catch ourselves, as soon as possible we need to change and replace our thoughts with something positive. We want to attract only good in our lives.

Sometimes the hardest part is getting our minds away from the negative. We are taught by society to worry and think about all the negative possibilities. Instead, we must focus only on the positive when it is possible. One of the best ideas to remember is that any sort of focus activates the Law of Attraction. When we are focused on something then we are telling the Universe we want more of that, good or bad.  When you put your attention on anything then it is drawing it closer to you. So the more we focus and get upset about something, the more bad we are attracting. When it's all we can think about then we are asking for more of it. You must get your mind off of what you don't want and focus on what you do want. And most all we must believe that everything has its way of working out. Situations are only temporary. Things happen for a reason. We are who we are today because of our life choices and circumstances.

Believe what you want to believe. I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in science. I believe in energy and frequencies. And I believe we have the power to create our own world. Change your attitude and you will change your world.

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