Saturday, March 31, 2012

Seven Wonders

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." 

-Walt Streightiff

I like this quote because it should help to remind us of all the wonders of our amazing planet. There are so many neat and exciting things that we don't even see on a regular basis. If we just slow down and take the time to look at our Earth, we will see how amazing it really is.

Small children question just about everything. They are in a constant state of amazement. Everything they see is new and exciting for them. Everything is a new wonder. Even watching a small child play is adorable. Their eyes are wide and filled with astonishment. The excitement cannot be contained. They want to learn and know about everything. Everything they touch and feel is new and stimulating. And we used to be the same way. Over the years we grow and we learn what things are and they become less thrilling. After time we decide the things we once were in awe by, now, are nothing new. But why not? Why is it that our world has become so mundane to us? Why has it lost its sparkle? It's because of the way we choose to look at things. Because we are absorbed in our work life. Because we don't have time to stop and smell the roses. Well, we have to make the time. Time doesn't stop or slow down. Neither will our life. We need to make the time in our lives for the extraordinary. 

We need to realize what is all around us and stop taking it for granted. Nature is a beautiful blessing that we should never take for granted. Nature has so many wonders, many that we have never even discovered. Have you ever stopped to watch an ant colony? Have you ever stopped and noticed all the details of a plant? My son loves sticks and rocks. Imagine how old that rock is? I bet it's a lot older than us. Imagine what that rock has seen in it's lifetime, or even how it may have traveled. How about that tree? Or the river? When was the last time you noticed the clouds and the shapes they take? Or when was the last time you sat out and watched the stars? How about the local animals that live around your area? There is so much life out there. There are so many amazing things that we take for granted, mostly because we are just to busy to allow something else into our thoughts or life. Well slow down a bit. What is important in your life? We make time for the things we choose.

Take the time and look at our world through the eyes of a child. When you can do this, then you will truly appreciate the life you have been given. Each day is a gift. Each day is new. Don't settle for the ordinary routine. Expect great things and choose to look at the world differently.

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